120 Section 2H: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services
Using Send Email <Name>
With a single voice command you can launch the email
message client on the phone and specify a recipient for the
email message. An email address must be associated with
the contact entry. If there is no email, the screen will prompt
you to add a new email address to the contact entry.
To launch an email message:
1. Press and hold .
2. Say “Send Email” followed immediately by the name of a
person in your contact list and, optionally, the type of
number you want to send it to. For example, say “Send
Email John Smith.”
If you do not specify the number type and there are multiple
numbers for the name, VoiceSignal chooses the mobile
number by default.
If you say the “Send” command without specifying a
recipient, VoiceSignal prompts you with a list of possible
matching items.
When you start an email message through voice activation,
the email message opens in VoiceMode automatically.