phone. This function allows you to view and edit frequently accessed sites.
Open Bookmarks: Access the bookmark list and organize favourites.
Mark Site: Add a bookmark for the current site.
5. History: Browse previously viewed web addresses
6. Snapshots: Allows you to manage your snapshots
View Snapshots: View previously saved snapshots
Take Snapshots: Take a snapshot of the current web page
7. Use URL: Provides URL related options
Send Link: Send a message with the current URL
Show URL: Show the current URL
8. Search: Search via the search engine defined by your service provider.
9. Advanced: View the advanced menu for the Browser
Restart Browser: Clear the cache memory and reload the browser
Multimedia: Allows setting preferences for display pictures and background
Clear: Allows clearing of the stored cookies, cache, history and autofill
Scroll Mode: Settings for the scroll mode and scroll speed of web pages
Send Referrer: Enable or disable adding the referrer field into the HTTP request
Connection Timeout: Set the duration of the connection timeout
Key Press Timeout: Set the duration of the key press timeout
Security: Set the security options
0. About: Show the version of the Browser.
Note: To go to the previous page while browsing the internet, press the Back button located
on the keypad.