Root Level Commands
Command :STORe:WAVeform <source>,<destination>
This command copies a channel, function, stored waveform, or TDR response to a waveform
memory or to color grade memory. The parameter preceding the comma specifies the source
and can be any channel, function, response, color grade memory, or waveform memory. The
parameter following the comma is the destination, and can be any waveform memory.
NOTE This command operates on waveform and color grade gray scale data which is not compatible with Jitter Mode.
Do not use this command in Jitter Mode. It generates a “Settings conflict” error.
<source> {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | WMEMory<N> | RESPonse<N>}
<N> is an integer, 1 through 4. Only channels or functions can be sources for color grade
<destination> {WMEMory<N> | CGMemory}
Example This example copies channel 1 to waveform memory 3.
Query :TER?
This query reads the Trigger Event Register. A “1” is returned if a trigger has occurred. A “0”
is returned if a trigger has not occurred. Once this bit is set, you can clear it only by reading
the register with the TER? query, or by sending a *CLS common command. After the Trigger
Event Register is read, it is cleared.
Returned Format [:TER] {1 | 0}<NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":TER?"
Command :UEE <mask>
This command sets a mask into the User Event Enable register. A “1” in a bit position enables
the corresponding bit in the User Event Register to set bit 1 in the Status Byte Register and,
thereby, potentially cause an SRQ to be generated. Only bit 0 of the User Event Register is
used at this time; all other bits are reserved. <mask> is the decimal weight of the enabled
Query :UEE?
Returned Format [:UEE] <mask><NL>
Query :UER?
This query returns the current value of the User Event Register as a decimal number and also
clears this register. Bit 0 (LCL - Remote/Local change) is used. All other bits are reserved.
Returned Format [:UER] <value><NL>