
el, 1-11
IEEE 488.2 standard, 1-2
IMAGe, 6-6, 15-7, 17-12
image specifiers
and DATA, 25-5
and PREamble, 25-8
-K, 5-7
infinity representation, 1-25
initialization, 1-4
event status, 1-11
instrument sample program, 2-4, 2-12
IO routine, 2-4
sample program, 2-3
INPut, 9-5
input buffer
clearing, 1-35
address, 1-34
default address, 1-35
status, 1-34
integer definition, 1-25
intensity, 11-3
clear (IFC), 1-35
functions, 1-34
initializing, 1-4
select code, 1-34
interrupted query, 1-26
INVert, 12-5
inverting functions, 12-5
JER?, 4-8
JITTer, 15-2, 18-9
JITTer DCD?, 18-19
JITTer DDJ?, 18-19
JITTer DDJVsbit?, 18-19
JITTer DEFine, 18-25
JITTer DJ?, 18-20
JITTer EBITs?, 18-20
JITTer EDGE?, 18-21
Jitter Event Enable Register, 4-7
Jitter Event Register, 4-8
JITTer ISI?, 18-20, 18-21, 18-22
JITTer LEVel DEFine, 18-23
JITTer LEVel?, 18-22
Jitter mode
unavailable commands, 1-44
JITTer PATTern?, 18-23
JITTer PJ?, 18-23
JITTer PJRMS?, 18-24
JITTer RJ?, 18-24, 18-33
JITTer SIGNal AUTodetect?, 18-25
JITTer SIGNal?, 18-25
JITTer TJ?, 18-25
JITTer UNITs, 18-26
-K, 5-7
K, and DATA, 25-5
LABel, 7-5, 11-6
LAYout, 11-5
LBANdwidth, 9-5
LCL, 1-19
Learn (*LRN), 3-5
LER?, 4-8
LEVel, in TRIGger, 24-4
Limit Test Commands, 15-2
FAIL, 15-2
JITTer, 15-2
LLIMit, 15-2, 15-3
MNFound, 15-3
RUNtil, 15-4
SOURce, 15-4
SSCReen, 15-5
SSCReen AREA, 15-6
SSCReen IMAGe, 15-7
SSUMmary, 15-7
SWAVeform, 6-6, 15-8
SWAVeform RESet, 15-9
TEST, 15-9
ULIMit, 15-9
Limit Test Event Enable register, 4-9
Limit Test Event Register, 1-20, 4-9
linear feedforward equalizer, 20-2
linefeed, 1-23
list of error messages, 1-47
code and capability, 1-35
unaddressing all, 1-35
LLIMit, 15-3
10-3, 17-5
load resistance, 7-5
Local Event Register, 1-19, 4-8
locked status, querying, 9-2
LOCKed?, 9-6
long form commands, 1-23
LONGform, 5-5
lowercase letters, 1-23
LRESistance, 7-5
*LRN (Learn), 3-5
*LRN?, and SYSTem SETup?, 5-7
LSBFirst, and BYTeorder, 25-3
LTEE, 4-9
LTER, 1-20
LTER?, 4-9
LTESt, 6-3
luminosity, 11-9
M1S?, 18-16
M2S?, 18-16
M3S?, 18-17
MAGNify, 12-5
making measurements, 18-2
managing bus issues, 1-34
Marker Commands, 16-2
PROPagation, 16-2
RPANnotation, 16-3
STATe, 16-3
X1Position, 16-3
X1Y1source, 16-4
X2Position, 16-4
X2Y2source, 16-5
XDELta?, 16-5
XUNits, 16-5
Y1Position, 16-5
Y2Position, 16-6
YDELta?, 16-6
YUNits, 16-6
MASK DELete, 17-6
Mask Test Commands, 17-2
ALIGn, 17-3
AMEThod, 17-3
COUNt FAILures?, 17-4
COUNt FSAMples?, 17-4
COUNt HITS?, 17-4
COUNt SAMPles?, 17-5
COUNt WAVeforms?, 17-5
DELete, 17-5
EXIT, 17-5
LOAD, 17-5
MASK DELete, 17-6
MMARgin PERCent,
MMARgin STATe, 17-6
RUNTil, 17-6
Save, 17-7
SCALe DEFault, 17-7
SCALe MODE, 17-8
SCALe X1, 17-8
SCALe XDELta, 17-9
SCALe Y1, 17-9
SCALe Y2, 17-9
SCALe YTRack, 17-10
SOURce, 17-10
SSCReen, 17-10
SSCReen AREA, 17-11
SSCReen IMAGe, 17-12
SSUMmary, 17-12
STARt, 17-12
SWAVeform, 17-13
SWAVeform RESet, 17-13
TEST, 17-14
TITLe?, 17-14
YALign, 17-14