Limit Test Commands
Limit Test Commands
The Limit Test commands and queries control the limit test features of the analyzer. Limit
testing automatically compares measurement results with pass or fail limits. The limit test
tracks up to four measurements. The action taken when the test fails is also controlled with
commands in this subsystem.
Command :LTESt:FAIL {INSide | OUTSide | ALWays | NEVer}
This command sets the fail condition for an individual measurement. The conditions for a test
failure are set on the source selected with the last LTESt:SOURce command. When a mea-
surement failure is detected by the limit test, the fail action conditions are executed, and
there is the potential to generate an SRQ.
The argument INside causes the instrument to fail a test when the measurement results are
within the parameters set by the LTESt:LLIMit and LTESt:ULIMit commands. OUTside
causes the instrument to fail a test when the measurement results exceed the parameters set
by LTESt:LLIMit and LTESt:ULIMit commands. ALWays ALWays causes the instrument to fail
a test every time the measurement is executed, and the parameters set by the LTESt:LLIMit
and LTESt:ULIMit commands are ignored. The FAIL:ALWays mode logs the action each time
the measurement is executed. FAIL:ALWays can monitor trends in measurements, for exam-
ple, tracking a measurement during an environmental test while the instrument is running a
measurement for a long time, as the temperature or humidity is changed. Each time the mea-
surement is executed, the results are logged as determined by the fail action set with the
LTESt:SSCreen, LTESt:SSUMmary, or LTESt:SWAVeform commands. NEVer sets the instru-
ment so a measurement never fails a test. Use the FAIL:NEVer mode to observe one measure-
ment but determine a failure from a different measurement. The FAIL:NEVer mode monitors
a measurement without any fail criteria.
Query :LTESt:FAIL?
The query returns the current value set for the fail condition.
This command selects a measurement for measurement limit testing in Jitter Mode. Up to
four measurements at a time may be limit tested. This requires using the command four
times, as each issue of the command selects one measurement. Executing this command
when four measurements are already selected causes the oldest measurement selection to be