Acquire Commands
command. If the results of consecutive limit tests must be stored in different files, omit the <filename>
parameter and use the default filename instead. Each screen image will be saved in a different file named
AcqLimitScreenX.bmp, where X is an incremental number assigned by the instrument.
The filename field encodes the network path and the directory in which the file will be
saved, as well as the file format that will be used. The following is a list of valid filenames.
If a filename is specified without a path, the default path will be
D:\User Files\screen images. (C drive on 86100A/B instruments.) The default
file type is a bitmap (.bmp). The following graphics formats are available by specifying a file
extension: PCX files (.pcx), EPS files (.eps), Postscript files (.ps), JPEG files (.jpg), TIFF
files (.tif), and GIF files (.gif).
NOTE For .gif and .tif file formats, this instrument uses LZW compression/decompression licensed under U.S. patent
No 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts. End user should not modify, copy, or distribute LZW compression/
decompression capability. For .jpg file format, this instrument uses the .jpg software written by the Independent
JPEG Group.
Query :ACQuire:SSCReen?
The query returns the current state of the SSCReen command.
Returned Format [:ACQuire:SSCReen] {OFF | DISK [,<filename>]}<NL>
Example The following example saves a copy of the screen to the disk when acquisition limit is
reached. Additional disk-related controls are set using the SSCReen:AREA and
SSCReen:IMAGe commands.
Command :ACQuire:SSCReen:AREA {GRATicule | SCReen}
Valid Filenames
Filename File Saved in Directory...
“Test1.gif” D:\User Files\Screen Images\
(C drive on 86100A/B instruments.)
“A:test2.pcx” A:\
“.\screen2.jpg” File saved in the present working directory, set
with the command :DISK:CDIR.
“\\computer-ID\d$\test3.bmp” File saved in drive D: of computer “computer-ID”,
provided all permissions are set properly.
(C drive on 86100A/B instruments.)
“E:test4.eps” File saved in the instrument’s drive E:, that could
be mapped to any disk in the network.