Disk Commands
Line 3 begins with the # character. The <frequency units> specifies Hz, KHz, MHz, or GHz.
The <parameter> field specifies S. The <format> field specifies DB for magnitude (logarith-
mic) -angle. The <R n> field specifies the reference resistance in ohms, where n is the posi-
tive number of ohms of the real impedance to which the parameters are calibrated.
Line 4 immediately precedes the data and labels the fields contained in the data lines.
The following lines are an example of the first few lines of a TEXT or S1P file:
!Agilent Infiniium DCA-J 86100
!1-port S-Parameter file, single frequency point
# Hz S DB R 50
!freq dbS11 angS11
0.000e+000 0.01 0.0
1.000e+008 0.15 0.1
2.000e+008 0.18 -0.6
3.000e+008 0.15 -1.3
The same file saved in the S2P format would have the following entries. Notice that fields that
have not been appended to the file yet have all data values entered as 0.0.
!Agilent Infiniium DCA-J 86100
!2-port S-Parameter file
!Instrument Configuration - Time/Div: 1.000 nS, Points/Waveform: 4096 points
# Hz S DB R 50
!freq dbS11 angS11 dbS21 angS21 dbS12 angS12 dbS22 angS22
0.000e+000 0.03 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
1.000e+008 0.16 0.1 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
2.000e+008 0.19 -0.1 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
3.000e+008 0.16 -1.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
Restrictions Software revision 6.00 and above on an 86100C. Option 202, Enhanced Impedance and S-
Parameter Software installed. TDR/TDT mode.
Command :DISK:STORe <source>,"<file_name>"[,<format>]
This command stores a setup, waveform, jitter data, or TDR response to the disk. The file
name does not include a suffix. The suffix is supplied by the instrument depending on the
source and file format specified. The TDRTDT option is a file type choice used to store the
instrument’s TDR/TDT calibration values. For more information on storing files, see “Files”
on page 1-8. Because horizontal scale and delay information is not saved in jitter data or color
grade-gray scale memory files, if you plan on loading these files back into the instrument, be
sure to also store the instrument setup. You will need to load (restore) the instrument set-
tings when you load the memory file.
Restrictions Software revision A.04.00 and above (86100C instruments) for jitter data memory argument.
Software revision A.05.00 and above (86100C instruments) for XYVerbose <format> argu-
<source> {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | WMEMory<N> | SETup | RESPonse<N> | CGRade | JDSource | TDRTDT}
If a CGRade source has not been selected, CGRade defaults to the lowest valid database avail-
able. To set the CGRade source, use the
:WAVeform:SOURce:CGRade command.