Status Reporting
Table 1-5. Status Reporting Bit Definition (1 of 2)
Bit Description Definition
ACQ Acquisition Indicates that acquisition test has completed in the Acquisition Register.
AREQD Autoscale Required Indicates that a parameter change in Jitter Mode has made an autoscale necessary.
CLCK CloCk Indicates that one of the enabled conditions in the Clock Recovery Register has
CME Command Error Indicates if the parser detected an error.
COMP Complete Indicates the specified test has completed.
DDE Device Dependent Error Indicates if the device was unable to complete an operation for device dependent
EFAIL Edge Characterization
Indicates that the characterizing of edges in Jitter Mode has failed.
ESB Event Status Bit Indicates if any of the enabled conditions in the Standard Event Status Register have
EXE Execution Error Indicates if a parameter was out of range or was inconsistent with the current
FAIL Fail Indicates the specified test has failed.
JLOSS Pattern Synchronization
Indicates that the pattern synchronization is lost in Jitter Mode.
LCL Local Indicates if a remote-to-local transition occurs.
LOCK LOCKed Indicates that a locked or trigger capture condition has occurred in the Clock Recovery
LOSS Time Reference Loss Indicates the Precision Timebase (provided by the Agilent 86107A module) has
detected a time reference loss due to a change in the reference clock signal.
LTEST Limit Test Indicates that one of the enabled conditions in the Limit Test Register has occurred.
MAV Message Available Indicates if there is a response in the output queue.
MSG Message Indicates if an advisory has been displayed.
MSS Master Summary Status Indicates if a device has a reason for requesting service.
MTEST Mask Test Indicates that one of the enabled conditions in the Mask Test Register has occurred.
NSPR1 No Signal Present
Receiver 1
Indicates that the Clock Recovery Module has detected the loss of an optical signal on
receiver one.
NSPR2 No Signal Present
Receiver 2
Indicates that the Clock Recovery Module has detected the loss of an optical signal on
receiver two.
OPC Operation Complete Indicates if the device has completed all pending operations.
OPER Operation Status
Indicates if any of the enabled conditions in the Operation Status Register have
PON Power On Indicates power is turned on.