Connecting to equipment with XLR inputs
and outputs:
If you are connecting the Smashup to a product with XLR
balanced inputs and outputs, you will need to convert this signal to
a 1/4” unbalanced connector. Make sure that Pin 2 of the XLR
connector is connected to the Tip of the 1/4” adapter or cable.
Watch out for high levels, however: some XLR sources put out
levels close to the maximum the Smashup can accept (about +12
dBu) even when its trim is at minimum. Lower the level of the
source if the [SIGNAL] LED flashes red.
About audio cables
The connections between the Smashup and your studio are your
music’s lifeline, so use only high quality cables. These should be
low-capacitance shielded cables with a stranded (not solid) internal
conductor and a low-resistance shield. Although quality cables
cost more, they do make a difference.
Route cables to the Smashup correctly by observing the following
• Do not bundle audio cables with AC power cords.
• Avoid running audio cables near sources of
electromagnetic interference such as transformers,
monitors, computers, etc.
• Do not place cables where they can be stepped on.
Stepping on a cable may not cause immediate damage,
but it can compress the insulation between the center
conductor and shield (degrading performance) or reduce
the cable’s reliability.
• Avoid twisting the cable or having it make sharp, right
angle turns.
• Never unplug a cable by pulling on the wire itself.
Always unplug by firmly grasping the body of the plug
and pulling directly outward.
on't use line
an y XLR-to- 1 /4 " ad a pter s
s old at elec tro nics stor e s ar e
OT a da p te rs , b ut
tra ns fo r me rs (a nd v e ry lo w
q ua lity tr an s fo rm er s a t tha t) .
o n ' t u s e t h e s e o n the o u tp ut
o f th e S ma sh u p—th ey 're
u nn ec es s ar y a nd g en e ra lly
s ou nd a wfu l b ec au se th ey
d on 't h a ve th e he ad r oo m to
h an dle the S m as hu p's o utp ut.
G et a h a rd -wire d ad a pter or
c ab le fr om y o ur p ro fes sio na l
a ud io d e aler , o r ma k e on e
o u r s e l f f r o m c o m p o n e n t s .