How to Use This Manual
A little technical knowledge will help you get the most out of your
gear...it’s really pretty simple. This manual is divided into the
following sections describing the various functions and
applications for the Smashup. While it's a good idea to read
through the entire manual once carefully, those having general
knowledge about effect devices should use the table of contents to
look up specific functions.
Chapter 1: Quick Start. If you're already experienced with effect
boxes, this will get you started using the Smashup right away. It's a
short guide to the essential elements of hooking it up and using it
for the first time. A brief tour of the front and rear panels also
directs you to the chapters focused on individual features.
Chapter 2: Connections gives detailed instructions for connecting the
Smashup to a variety of typical audio systems. It also discusses the
process of linking the Smashup with other ModFX devices.
Chapter 3: Using the Smashup explains the controls of the Smashup
and their functions.
Chapter 4: Sample Settings provides a selection of sound charts
created by the sound designers at Alesis for you to try.
Near the end of the manual are troubleshooting tips,
specifications, and an index to help you find what you're looking
elpful tips an d ad v ic e a re
h ig hlig h te d in a sh a de d b ox
lik e th is
Whe n so m ething im po r ta nt
a pp ea rs in the ma nua l, a n
e xc la ma tio n m ar k (like th e
o ne s ho wn at le ft) will a pp ea r
with so m e ex p la na to r y te x t.
This sy m bo l ind ic ate s th a t
this in for ma tio n is vita l whe n
o pe ra tin g th e S ma sh u p.