
About the Smashup
Your new Smashup is a member of the Alesis ModFX family of
performance effects boxes. This particular ModFX unit is a deluxe
compressor with the ability to model several different types of
Each ModFX unit provides a different set of sound effects and
signal processing, and they are easy to arrange and connect to each
other. With a uniform, friendly, uncomplicated user interface and
high-resolution digital processing, the ModFX products are perfect
for keyboardists, guitarists, and any other studio or live
performance artists.
Important features of your Smashup
High resolution processing
The Smashup internally uses 28-bit stereo digital signal processing.
The digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion is sampled
at 48kHz with 24 bits of resolution. That means you can get the
effect you want, without adding unwanted noise and distortion.
If you’re using multiple ModFX boxes to make your own unique
effects chain, ModLink makes it easy to hookup without needing
patch cords between units in a chain. The nine-pin connectors
built into each side of the case enable a ModFX box to transfer
digital audio and word clock directly to another. Any number of
units can be connected together.
Selectable compression types
Capitalizing on the unique capabilities of Alesis’s digital signal
processing techniques, the Smashup is able to sound like several
different types of classic analog compressors. Adjustable attack
and release controls, plus unique “look ahead” and “sizzle”
features, make this compressor uniquely suited to the needs of
guitarists, bassists, remix engineers, and producers.