
Using the ModLink
The Smashup can be connected to other effect boxes in the
ModFX family via the ModLink. The ModLink is a cable-free
connection between two ModFX units that transfers digital audio
and word clock. The 9-pin male connector on the left side of the
unit is the ModLink IN port. The 9-pin female connector on the
right side is the ModLink OUT port. By directly connecting two
ModFX units via the ModLink, audio will pass from the left-most
unit to the right-most unit.
Inputs AC adapter Outputs
Master First Slave Second Slave
The audio signal flows from left to right. The Master will send its
digital audio output to the First Slave, and the First Slave will, in
turn, send its output to the Second Slave.
What about the input
and output jacks on
the slave units?
Whe n a u nit is a sla ve to
a no th er un it, its aud io input
ac ks a r e dis ab le d; it will ge t
its a ud io in p ut d ig ita lly fro m
its Mod Lin k p or t. The o u tp ut
ac ks , h owev e r, a re alwa y s
a ctiv e; so a n a ud io ou tp u t
c an b e tap pe d fro m a ny
lin ke d u nit, with ou t
inter ru p ting th e flo w to th e
r es t of th e c ha in .
udio Flow