4 Sample Settings
While there’s nothing like discovering new sounds for yourself, we
thought it would be a good idea to provide some sample settings
of the Smashup to help get you started. Simply set the knobs on
your Smashup so they’re at the positions shown, and press the
rocker switches so each effect is in the mode shown by the LEDs.
Feel free to modify these any way you want to suit your particular
playing style.
Threshold and Output settings may need
Since we don’t know how loud your instrument is, the settings of
[THRESHOLD] can only be a starting point. (They’re shown for
a typical –10 dBV signal with an average crest factor.)
g oo d a ll-a r ou nd s e ttin g ;
the s lo w a tta ck lets a little
“bite ” thr ou g h on
ins tr um e nts.
f th e r e ’ s t o o m u c h s i b i l a n c e
in a vo c al tr ac k, tr y th is
s etting .