Using the Smashup
The [ATTACK] knob controls the amount of time before
compression starts. The range of this control is generally in the
range from 0.1 (full counter-clockwise) to 300 milliseconds; but
this may vary depending on the [TYPE] setting. [ATTACK] has
no effect when the [LOOK AHEAD] switch is engaged.
Long attacks are useful for keeping the initial transients of
percussive sounds like drums, lead guitar, and bass. Short attacks
are good for melodic parts like vocals and strings. Experiment
with different short attack times on snare drums to get more or
less of the “stick” attack.
Look Ahead
When the [LOOK AHEAD] switch is turned on, a very small
amount of delay (under 3 milliseconds, about the time sound takes
to travel 3 feet) is introduced in the signal. The detector of the
compressor looks at the peak levels in this delay, so it can “pre-
attack” or lower its gain even before the peak arrives for
For obvious reasons, when [LOOK AHEAD] is on, the
[ATTACK] knob has no effect.
The [RELEASE] knob controls the amount of time the
compressor takes to stop compressing after the signal crosses
under the threshold. The range of this control is very different
from type to type, but in every case the longest release time is at
the full clockwise rotation.
Short release times are good for percussive, punchy sounds; longer
release times can make compression less obvious on vocals.
Adjusting the release time may be necessary when using extreme
compression and “pumping” or “breathing” is audible, or if lower-
level signals are getting lost after peaks.
umping and
Whe n a c om pr e ss or is
m ak in g lar ge ch an ge s to the
inp ut s ign al (1 0 to 12 d B o r
m or e) th e no ise flo o r will also
r is e an d fall with the s ign al
lev el. Wh en th is n o is e s ig na l
r is es a n d fa lls d ra s tica lly
b etwe en sign a ls , su c h as a
h ea vily co mp r es se d, no is y
d ru m tr a ck , y ou m ig h t he a r
the n ois e le v el “br e athin g”
b etwe en dr um h i t s . O n e
s olutio n to this br e athin g
r o b l e m i s t o tur n u p th e
r elea se time . Th is wa y, th e
n oise floo r won ’t h a ve time to
r is e be twe en dr um h its .
owev er , if the Rele as e tim e
is to o lon g, lo we r lev el
s ig na ls afte r the p e ak will b e
los t as th e c om pr es s or s lowly
s to ps r e du cin g ga in . Th is is
c alle d “pu mp ing ” as th e
lower le ve l s ig n a ls ( n o i s e
inc lu de d ) slo wly fa d e ba c k up
to th eir n or m al s ig n al le ve l.
The s ec r et to a vo id ing th es e
r o b l e m s i s to ac hie ve a
b alan ce d r ele as e tim e on th e
inp ut s ign al.
The PUMP m od e o f th e
S ma sh up is s e t up
inten tio na lly to us e p um p in g
a s a cr e ativ e too l.