Configuring VPN objects
138 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
Using the VPN tabs
After you have created a VPN object, you can use the VPN tabs to change the default settings
or modify configuration. The tabs displayed are dependent on the VPNos release for the device.
General tab
The General tab provides high-level control of the VPN. A check box enables the VPN. This
allows VPNs to be built before being activated.
The contents of this screen depends on what VPN type you have selected, IKE or SKIP.
General tab with IKE
If the VPN type selected is IKE, the following General tab appears:
Figure 45: VPN General Tab (IKE)
From the General tab you can configure the following information:
Certificate Based. - Certificate based authentication is the most secure key management
method used to construct a VPN, but requires greater setup effort than with the Preshared
Secret method.
Preshared Secret. - Preshared Secret authentication is the simplest key management method
used to construct a VPN. Authentication key exchanges between security gateways in the VPN
are based on a single pre-shared secret known to all security gateways in the VPN.