Issue 4 May 2005 287
Chapter 12: Upgrading firmware and licenses
You can upgrade the VPNos firmware and license from the VPNmanager and set encryption
strength and remote access for VSU100s.
Centralized firmware management
The VPNmanager centralized firmware management allows you to upgrade the firmware for
one or many security gateways at one time. You can quickly verify the firmware release for any
security gateway or VSU model. VPNmanager validates that the firmware image is correct
before upgrading the device. The available firmware images are stored in the policy server.
Before upgrading the firmware using the centralized firmware management feature, you must
download the latest firmware from Avaya Inc.
The security gateway firmware download is password-protected. Contact technical support at
vpnsupport@avaya.com to request a password prior to beginning the download.
Read the latest security gateway product readme file, before beginning the upgrade. For the
latest version of the file for all security gateways, go the VPN and Security page from the Avaya
Support Technical Database Web site, at http://support.avaya.com, and select the security
gateway type to be downloaded, follow the links to the Readme file.
Following are a few definitions that you should be familiar with prior to using the centralized
firmware management feature:
● Device Inventory
The device inventory is displayed when the Upgrade Firmware button is selected. The
device inventory lists the name of the available devices to be upgraded, type of the device
available for upgrade, current firmware version, and the available versions of firmware for
the specific device.
● Firmware Library
The firmware library list the devices and the available firmware versions for that specific
device. The firmware library is a repository that is stored and maintained on the policy
server. The various versions of firmware for the different devices are stored in the firmware
Firmware versions can be added to the firmware library. Click the Add button to Browse to
the firmware location and add to the firmware library repository on the policy server.
Previous or older versions of the firmware can be deleted from the firmware library
repository on the policy server.