Monitoring your network
246 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
The traps that are generated by the security gateway are sent to the list of trap targets that are
configured. The version of the trap that is sent is the same as the version of the SNMP Agent,
that is, if the security gateway is configured for SNMPv1, a SNMPv1 trap is sent. A maximum of
five trap targets can be specified and one of these can be the Directory Server. In large
enterprises, the security gateways might also report to a network monitoring application, such
as HP Open View.
Figure 81: The SNMP Tab for a security gateway Object
To add SNMP trap targets
To add an SNMP Trap Target for security gateway’s at version VPNos 4.2 or later, do the
Note: To configure SNMPv3, see Adding Admin Users for SNMPv3 on page 247.
1. From the Contents column, select the security gateway you want to configure.
2. Click the SNMP tab to bring it to the front.
3. Click Add to open the Add SNMP Trap Target dialog box.
4. In the SNMP Trap Target text boxes, type in the SNMP Trap Target IP address and Port.
5. Click Close to return to the SNMP tab, or Apply to add an other address.
6. When finished, click Save.
7. When you want to send the configuration to one or more security gateways, click Update