Monitoring alarms
Issue 4 May 2005 269
This window provides detailed information about the alarm including a time stamp, the security
gateway generating the alarm, alarm definition, first and last occurrence. This window appears
even if it does not contain any content. The most recent entry is at the top of the list.
● Properties. The Alarm Properties screen displays a list of specific alarm types and their
corresponding disposition action: ignore or take action. Refer to Table 29
for Alarm Type
descriptions. The default is Take action on Alarm.
● Delete. A Delete button appears at the bottom of the window. The highlighted alarm(s) is
deleted when the Delete button is clicked.
Figure 83: VPNmanager, Alarm Pane, Properties
Alarm Types
Table 29: Alarm Descriptions
Alarm Type Description
Cold Start Indicates a security gateway was restarted via a
power cycle, the security gateway console, or
SKIP Parse
Indicates a packet that had an incorrect SKIP
header was received. This alarm could result
from a cryptographic attack.
Ns Out of Order Indicates a packet that contained an expired key
was received. This alarm could result from a
cryptographic attack.
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