Advanced Action
Issue 4 May 2005 219
Configuring failover TEP
Failover TEP is configured from the Failover TEP tab.
To configure failover TEP:
1. Move to the Configuration Console window. The Device tabs are displayed.
2. From the Device>Contents column, select the device that is operating as the head- end
3. Click the Failover TEP tab to bring it to the front.
4. Select the Enable checkbox to enable failover TEP on the device.
The enable checkbox allows the configured device to download all user VPNs to the
selected alternate head-end devices. The checkbox default is not selected.
5. Click Add to open the Failover TEP dialog box.
6. From the Failover TEP Device drop-down menu, select the security gateway that will be the
alternate head-end device.
7. Click OK to return to the Failover TEP tab. Your alternate head-end device appears in the
Failover TEP(s) list.
8. Click Save to save the Failover TEP configuration.
To complete the Failover TEP configuration, you must enter the Failover Remote TEP
information in the Failover tab.
9. To configure the Failover Remote TEP go to, the VPNmanager Console main window,
select Failover as a New Object. The Failover tab appears.
10. From the Failover>Contents column select the device to configure for Failover.
11. In the Remote TEP field, click Add, to enter the tunnel endpoints (TEP) for the central site
that the remote VPN device establishes a network connection. If the network path failure
criteria is met while the remote security gateway is trying to establish a network connection,
the remote VPN tries to alternate TEPs until a network connection is made.
For more information regarding Failover, see Failover on page 226
Advanced Action
The Device Advanced Action tab provides access to advanced security gateway functions
including switching the NOS execution from flash 0 to flash 1 (or back), resetting the security
gateway’s password, or disabling FIPS on the selected security gateway.