Converged Network Analyzer Test Plug
Issue 4 May 2005 231
Typically, one CNA unit is configured in the network operations center, and another CNA unit is
configured in the corporate network. The CNA unit in the network operations center (NOC) is
used to set up network topologies, configure network tests, and schedule network tests. Multiple
CNA units can be configured in the network to monitor network topology and test results.
The following network tests are available using the CNA test plug:
● Ping test
The ping test includes unary and binary test. The ping test sends an ICMP echo message to
a target IP address, and reports whether or not a response was returned.
The binary test plug requires a pair of test plugs.
● RTP test
The real-time transport protocol (RTP) test measures delay, packet loss, and jitter to
another test plug by sending a simulated RTP data stream that is echoed back. The test
provides data regarding the VoIP performance over the network.
To enable CNA test plug:
1. From the VPNmanager Console main window, select CNA as a New Object. The CNA
general tab appears.
2. Select Enable to enable the CNA test plug in the network.
3. Select the CNA Test Plug Services interface.
The public interface provides connection to the internet, usually by way of a wide area
network (WAN). By default, DHCP client is used to configure the public IP address. Only
one public zone can be configured on the security gateway.
The private interface provides connection to the private local area network (LAN) or your
corporate LAN. By default, the private network interface is configured with the DHCP server.
The private interface is the default setting for CNA.
4. Enter the test request port value.
The test request port value is the port that the test plug receives a test request. The test
request includes authentication, and a validly formatted request from the CNA test plug
scheduler. The value for the test report port ranges from 1 to 65535. The default value is
Important: When the default test request port value is modified, you must create a new CNA
service to use the new test request destination port. If the security gateway is
configured to allow CNA traffic, be sure to update the firewall rule to use the new
CNA service.
5. Enter the RTP test port value.
The RTP test port value is the value of the real-time transport protocol. The value for the
RTP test port ranges from 1 to 65535. The default value is 50001.