2. Overview
BitDefender provides security solutions to satisfy the protection requirements of today's com-
puting environment, delivering effective threat management for over 41 million home and
corporate users in more than 100 countries.
Designed toprovide full protectionfor corporate networkand systems, theBitDefender solution
range comprises,beside antivirus protection,antispam, personalfirewall and securitymanage-
ment solutions. BitDefender also specializesin providing assistance with designing andestab-
lishing content security policies for corporate networks.
BitDefender Professional was the third product of its kind in the world to receive ICSA certi-
fication for Windows XP and the first to be awarded for groundbreaking innovation by the
European Commission and Academies. BitDefender Antivirus is certified by all the major re-
viewers in the antivirus field - ICSA Labs, CheckMark, CheckVir, TÜV and Virus Bulletin.
BitDefender is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania and has offices in Tettnang, Germany,
Barcelona, Spain and Florida, US. Website: http://www.bitdefender.com
2.1. Why BitDefender?
Proven. Most reactive antivirus producer. BitDefender fast reactivity in case of computer
virus epidemicwas confirmedbeginning with thelast outbreaksof CodeRed, Nimdaand Sircam,
as well as Badtrans.B or other dangerous, fast-spreading malicious codes. BitDefender was
the first to provide antidotes against these codes and to make them freely available on the In-
ternet forall affectedpeople. Now,with the continuousexpansion of theKlez virus -in various
versions immediateantivirus protection hasbecome once more acritical need forany computer
Innovative. Awarded forinnovation bythe European Commissionand EuroCase. BitDe-
fender has been proclaimed a winner of the European IST-Prize, awarded by the European
Commission and by representatives of 18 academies in Europe. Now in its eighth year, the
European IST Prizeis a rewardfor groundbreaking productsthat represent thebest of European
innovation in information technology.
Comprehensive.Covers every singlepoint of yournetwork, providing completesecurity.
BitDefender securitysolutions for thecorporate environment satisfythe protectionrequirements
of today's business environment, enabling management of all complex threats that endanger a
network, from a small local area to large multi-server, multi-platform WAN's.
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