4. BitDefender modules
BitDefender 9 Standard contains the modules: General, Antivirus and Update.
4.1. General module
BitDefender comes fully configured for maximum security.
Essential status information about all the BitDefender modules is displayed in the General
module. Hereyou can registeryour product andyou can set theoverall behaviorof BitDefender.
4.2. Antivirus module
BitDefender protects you from viruses entering your system by scanning your files, e-mail
messages, downloads and allother content as it entersyour system. From the antivirus module
you have access to all BitDefender antivirus settings and features.
Virus protection is divided into two categories:
• On-access scanning - prevents new viruses or spyware from entering your system. This is
also called a virus shield - files are scanned as the user accesses them. BitDefender will, for
example, scan a word document for viruses when you open it, and an e-mail message when
you receive one. BitDefender scans "as you use your files" - on-access.
• On-demand scanning - detects already resident viruses or spyware in your system. This is
the classic virus-scaninitiated by theuser - you choosewhat drive, folder orfile BitDefender
should scan, and BitDefender scans it - on-demand.
4.3. Update module
New viruses&spyware are found and identified every day. This is why it is very important to
keep BitDefenderup to datewith thelatest virus&spyware signatures.By default,BitDefender
automatically checks for updates every hour.
Updates come in the following ways:
Description and
BitDefender modules