8.2. Manual update
This method allows installing the latest virus definitions. To install a product upgrade of the
latest version use the Automatic update.
Use the manual update when the automatic update can not be performed or when the computer
is not connected to the Internet.
There are 2 ways to perform the manual update:
With weekly.exe file;
With zip archives.
8.2.1. Manual update with weekly.exe
The updatepackage weekly.exe isreleased everyFriday and itincludes all thevirus definitions
and scan engines updates available up to the release date.
To update BitDefender using weekly.exe, follow the next steps:
1. Download weekly.exe and save it locally on your hard disk.
2. Locate the downloaded file and double-click it to launch the update wizard.
3. Click Next.
4. Check I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next.
5. Click Install.
6. Click Finish.
8.2.2. Manual update with zip archives
There aretwo zip archiveson the updateserver, containingthe updatesof the scanningengines
and virus signatures: cumulative.zip and daily.zip.
cumulative.zip is releasedevery week onMonday and itincludes all thevirus definitions
and scan engines updates up to the release date.
Update module