• Limit the size of quarantine folder - maintains under control the size of the quarantine.
This optionis enabled bydefault and itssize is 12000kB. If youwant to changethis value
type in a new one in the corresponding field. If you select the checkbox corresponding
to Automatically delete old files, when the quarantine is full, and you add a new file,
the oldest files in the quarantine will be automatically deleted in order to free space for
the new added file.
• Automatically send quarantine- sendsautomatically the quarantinedfiles tothe BitDe-
fender Labs for further analysis. You can set the time period between two consecutive
sending processes in minutes in the Send quarantine every field.
• Automatically deletesent files -deletes automaticallythe quarantinedfiles aftersending
them to the BitDefender Lab for analysis.
• Drag&Drop settings - if you are using the Drag&Drop method to add files to the quar-
antine here you can specify the action: copy, move or prompt user.
Submission settings
• Your address - type in your e-mail address in case you want to receive e-mail messages
from our experts, regarding the suspicious files submitted for analysis.
Click OK to save the changes. If you click Default you will load the default settings.
7.4. Report
To access this section click Report tab from the Antivirus module.
Antivirus module