Lists all scanned files and their status (infected or
not) in a report file. With this option on, the com-
puter will slow down.
Show all scanned files
This is an edit field that allows changing the name
of the report file. Select this option and type in a
new name.
Report file name vs-
Create report
Limits the size of the report file. Type in the max-
imum file size.
Limit report size to
[x] KB
The report files can be seen in the Report section from the Antivirus module.
• Specify the other options. Open Other options category from where you can select the fol-
lowing options:
Decreases the priority of the scan process. You will allow
other programs to run faster and increase the time needed
for the scan process to finish.
Run thetask with Lowprior-
Shut down thecomputer after thescan process hasfinished.Shut down thePC when scan
is completed
You will be prompted to submit all suspect files to BitDe-
fender lab after the scan process has finished.
Submit suspectfiles to BitDe-
fender Lab
Minimizes the scan window to system tray. Double-click
the BitDefender icon to open it.
Minimize scan window on
start to systray
If actionsrequire reboot, promptusers forimmediate reboot.Promp for reboot
Click OK to save the changes or click Default to load the default settings.
Step 5/5 - Scan for viruses
With the scan options selected, all you have to do is to effectively start the system scanning.
For that, just click Scan. The scan window will appear:
Antivirus module