Starting with Dell Networking OS version, the grep command accepts an ignore-case sub-
option that forces the search to case-insensitive. For example, the commands:
• show run | grep Ethernet returns a search result with instances containing a capitalized
“Ethernet,” such as
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1/1.
• show run | grep ethernet does not return that search result because it only searches for
instances containing a non-capitalized “ethernet.”
• show run | grep Ethernet ignore-case returns instances containing both “Ethernet” and
The grep command displays only the lines containing specified text. The following example shows this
command used in combination with the
show linecard all command.
Dell(conf)#do show system brief | grep 0
0 not present
NOTE: Dell Networking OS accepts a space or no space before and after the pipe. To filter a phrase
with spaces, underscores, or ranges, enclose the phrase with double quotation marks.
The except keyword displays text that does not match the specified text. The following example shows
this command used in combination with the show linecard all command.
Example of the except Keyword
Dell#show system brief | except 0
Slot Status NxtBoot ReqTyp CurTyp Version Ports
2 not present
3 not present
4 not present
5 not present
6 not present
The find keyword displays the output of the show command beginning from the first occurrence of
specified text. The following example shows this command used in combination with the show
linecard all
Example of the find Keyword
Dell#show system brief | find 0
Stack MAC : 00:11:12:13:18:20
Reload-Type : normal-reload [Next boot : normal-reload]
-- Stack Info --
Unit UnitType Status ReqTyp CurTyp Version
1 Management online S3048-ON S3048-ON 9-8(0-28) 52
2 Member not present
3 Member not present
4 Member not present
5 Member not present
6 Member not present
-- Power Supplies --
Unit Bay Status Type FanStatus FanSpeed(rpm)
1 1 down AC up 8128
Configuration Fundamentals