• Include BGP, directly connected, RIP, or user-configured (static) routes in IS-IS.
redistribute {bgp as-number | connected | rip | static} [level-1 level-1-2 |
level-2] [metric metric-value] [metric-type {external | internal}] [route-map
Configure the following parameters:
– level-1, level-1-2, or level-2: assign all redistributed routes to a level. The default is level-2.
– metric-value the range is from 0 to 16777215. The default is 0.
– metric-type: choose either external or internal. The default is internal.
– map-name: enter the name of a configured route map.
• Include specific OSPF routes in IS-IS.
redistribute ospf process-id [level-1| level-1-2 | level-2] [metric value]
[match external {1 | 2} | match internal] [metric-type {external | internal}]
[route-map map-name]
Configure the following parameters:
– process-id the range is from 1 to 65535.
– level-1, level-1-2, or level-2: assign all redistributed routes to a level. The default is level-2.
– metric value the range is from 0 to 16777215. The default is 0.
– match external the range is from 1 or 2.
– match internal
– metric-type: external or internal.
– map-name: enter the name of a configured route map.
Redistributing IPv6 Routes
To add routes from other routing instances or protocols, use the following commands.
NOTE: These commands apply to IPv6 IS-IS only. To apply prefix lists to IPv4 routes, use the
ROUTER ISIS mode previously shown.
• Include BGP, directly connected, RIP, or user-configured (static) routes in IS-IS.
redistribute {bgp as-number | connected | rip | static} [level-1 level-1-2 |
level-2] [metric metric-value] [metric-type {external | internal}] [route-map
Configure the following parameters:
– level-1, level-1-2, or level-2: assign all redistributed routes to a level. The default is level-2.
– metric-value: the range is from 0 to 16777215. The default is 0.
– metric-type: choose either external or internal. The default is internal.
– map-name: enter the name of a configured route map.
• Include specific OSPF routes in IS-IS.ROUTER ISIS mode
Intermediate System to Intermediate System