Default is level-1-2.
• Change the IS-type for the IS-IS process.
is-type {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2}
Example of the show isis database Command to View Level 1-2 Link State Databases
To view which IS-type is configured, use the show isis protocol command in EXEC Privilege mode.
The show config command in ROUTER ISIS mode displays only non-default information. If you do not
change the IS-type, the default value (level-1-2) is not displayed.
The default is Level 1-2 router. When the IS-type is Level 1-2, the software maintains two Link State
databases, one for each level. To view the Link State databases, use the show isis database
Dell#show isis database
IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
B233.00-00 0x00000003 0x07BF 1088 0/0/0
eljefe.00-00 * 0x00000009 0xF76A 1126 0/0/0
eljefe.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x68DF 1122 0/0/0
eljefe.02-00 * 0x00000001 0x2E7F 1113 0/0/0
Force10.00-00 0x00000002 0xD1A7 1102 0/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
B233.00-00 0x00000006 0xC38A 1124 0/0/0
eljefe.00-00 * 0x0000000D 0x51C6 1129 0/0/0
eljefe.01-00 * 0x00000001 0x68DF 1122 0/0/0
eljefe.02-00 * 0x00000001 0x2E7F 1113 0/0/0
Force10.00-00 0x00000004 0xCDA9 1107 0/0/0
Controlling Routing Updates
To control the source of IS-IS route information, use the following command.
• Disable a specific interface from sending or receiving IS-IS routing information.
passive-interface interface
– For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then the slot/port/
– For a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword fortyGigE then the slot/port information.
– For a Loopback interface, enter the keyword loopback then a number from 0 to 16383.
– For a port channel interface, enter the keywords port-channel then a number.
– For a VLAN interface, enter the keyword vlan then a number from 1 to 4094.
Intermediate System to Intermediate System