– end-year: Enter a four-digit number as the year. The range is from 1993 to 2035.
– end-time: Enter the time in hours:minutes. For the hour variable, use the 24-hour format;
example, 17:15 is 5:15 pm.
– offset: (OPTIONAL) Enter the number of minutes to add during the summer-time period. The
range is from 1 to1440. The default is 60 minutes.
Examples of the clock summer-time recurring Command
The following example shows the clock summer-time recurring command.
Dell(conf)#clock summer-time pacific recurring Mar 14 2009 00:00 Nov 7 2009
00:00 ?
Dell(conf)#02:02:13: %RPM0-P:CP %CLOCK-6-TIME CHANGE: Summertime configuration
changed from
"none" to "Summer time starts 00:00:00 Pacific Sat Mar 14 2009;Summer time ends
00:00:00 pacific
Sat Nov 7 2009"
NOTE: If you enter <CR> after entering the recurring command parameter, and you have already
set a one-time daylight saving time/date, the system uses that time and date as the recurring
The following example shows the clock summer-time recurring parameters.
Dell(conf)#clock summer-time pacific recurring ?
<1-4> Week number to start
first Week number to start
last Week number to start
Dell(conf)#clock summer-time pacific recurring
Dell(conf)#02:10:57: %RPM0-P:CP %CLOCK-6-TIME CHANGE: Summertime configuration
changed from
"Summer time starts 00:00:00 Pacific Sat Mar 14 2009 ; Summer time ends
00:00:00 pacific Sat Nov
7 2009" to "Summer time starts 02:00:00 Pacific Sun Mar 8 2009;Summer time ends
02:00:00 pacific
Sun Nov 1 2009"
System Time and Date