username admin password 0 admin
username john password 0 john privilege 8
The following example shows the Telnet session for user john. The show privilege command output
confirms that john is in privilege level 8. In EXEC Privilege mode, john can access only the commands
listed. In CONFIGURATION mode, john can access only the snmp-server commands.
apollo% telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Login: john
Dell#show priv
Current privilege level is 8
configure Configuring from terminal
disable Turn off privileged commands
enable Turn on privileged commands
exit Exit from the EXEC
no Negate a command
show Show running system information
terminal Set terminal line parameters
traceroute Trace route to destination
end Exit from Configuration mode
exit Exit from Configuration mode
no Reset a command
snmp-server Modify SNMP parameters
Specifying LINE Mode Password and Privilege
You can specify a password authentication of all users on different terminal lines.
The user’s privilege level is the same as the privilege level assigned to the terminal line, unless a more
specific privilege level is assigned to the user.
To specify a password for the terminal line, use the following commands.
• Configure a custom privilege level for the terminal lines.
LINE mode
privilege level level
– level level: The range is from 0 to 15. Levels 0, 1, and 15 are pre-configured. Levels 2 to 14 are
available for custom configuration.
• Specify either a plain text or encrypted password.
LINE mode
password [encryption-type] password
Configure the following optional and required parameters:
– encryption-type: Enter 0 for plain text or 7 for encrypted text.
– password: Enter a text string up to 32 characters long.
To view the password configured for a terminal, use the show config command in LINE mode.