SSH server version : v2.
SSH server vrf : default.
SSH server ciphers : 3des-cbc,aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,aes128-
SSH server macs : hmac-md5,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-
SSH server kex algorithms : diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-
Password Authentication : enabled.
Hostbased Authentication : disabled.
RSA Authentication : disabled.
Vty Encryption HMAC Remote IP
To disable SSH server functions, use the no ip ssh server enable command.
Using SCP with SSH to Copy a Software Image
To use secure copy (SCP) to copy a software image through an SSH connection from one switch to
another, use the following commands.
On the chassis, invoke SCP.
copy scp: flash:
Example of Using SCP to Copy from an SSH Server on Another Switch
The following example shows the use of SCP and SSH to copy a software image from one switch running
SSH server on UDP port 99 to the local switch.
Dell#copy scp: flash:
Address or name of remote host []:
Port number of the server [22]: 99
Source file name []: test.cfg
User name to login remote host: admin
Password to login remote host:
Removing the RSA Host Keys and Zeroizing Storage
Use the crypto key zeroize rsa command to delete the host key pairs, both the public and private
key information for RSA 1 and or RSA 2 types. Note that when FIPS mode is enabled there is no RSA 1 key
pair. Any memory currently holding these keys is zeroized (written over with zeroes) and the NVRAM
location where the keys are stored for persistence across reboots is also zeroized.
To remove the generated RSA host keys and zeroize the key storage location, use the crypto key
zeroize rsa command in CONFIGURATION mode.
Dell(conf)#crypto key zeroize rsa
Configuring When to Re-generate an SSH Key
You can configure the time-based or volume-based rekey threshold for an SSH session. If both threshold
types are configured, the session rekeys when either one of the thresholds is reached.