BSMI Debugging
November 2009 103
Table 2. Trace Report Values
Value Meaning
Ch# Lapdid number. This is an even number where
0=Port A
2=Port B
Time Hexadecimal timestamp incremented at 1 ms intervals.
Direct Direction of frame; possible values are Xmit (transmitted by module)
and Rcvd (received by module).
SAPI Service Access Point Identifier which identifies the type of D-channel
signaling performed; possible values are 00 (ISDN call control) or 63
(management procedures).
TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier that identifies a particular endpoint
C/R Command/Response bit that identifies the frame as either a command
(C) or response
(R); possible values vary depending on whether the
module is performing user side or network side signaling. For user side,
indicates a command and 1 indicates a response. For network side,
indicates a response and 1 indicates a command.
Type Q.921 UNKNI message frame for unknown information frames or the
Q.931 message contained in the I (information) frame.
N(s) Sequence number assigned to the frame sent by the transmitting
N(r) Expected sequence number of the next frame to be received from the
transmitting device.
P/F Poll/final bit which indicates the device is polling for a response from
the other end, sending a final frame in response to a command, or
neither. Possible values are 1 (polling for response or responding to
command) or 0 (not polling or unsolicited response).
If the message frame is a command (based on the C/R bit), this is a Poll
bit; if
the message frame is a response, this is a Final bit.
Size Number of bytes in frame (shown in hexadecimal).