
Developing a Fax Application
November 2009 62
Sending a Fax from One Channel to Another
Use the fax sample program to send a fax from one channel to
another in your system.
1. Prepare channel 1 to receive a fax:
fax -u 1 -r recfile.ips
fax invokes the sample fax program with the following
The channel is now set to receive a fax and is waiting for a ring
2. Send a fax from channel 0 to channel 1.
In a second window, type:
fax -u 0 -s wphonenum fax.ips
-u Specifies that the following number is the
number of the channel that receives a fax (in this
case channel 1 is used).
-r Places the channel (1) in receive mode.
recfile.ips Creates a file, recfile.ips, in which to receive a
-u Specifies that the following number is the
number of the channel that sends a fax (in this
case channel 0 is used).
-s Places the channel (0) in send mode.
w In robbed-bit T1 TDM environments, checks
the signaling if w is the first character of the
In E&M immediate mode, causes the channel
to wait and see if the T1 slot is free.
In E&M wink mode, causes the channel to
wait for a wink signal from the remote side.
Anywhere else in the string, waits for dial
phonenum Specifies the phone number of the channel to
receive the fax (in this case channel 1).
fax.ips Sends the infopkt stream file fax.ips previously
created with the mkinfopk utility.