
Enabling the R2 Protocol
November 2009 344
Table 19 identifies the IISDN_R2_INTERREGISTER_PARAMS
sub-structure containing the parameters required used to configure
the MFC inter-register signaling.
c_d_cas_bits Specification of the CAS C
bit and D bit settings.
0: CD=00
1: CD=01
2: CD=10
3: CD=11
ClearbackControl Used by the outbound side
to determine whether the
network will use a release
guard (AB=11) or a forced
release (AB=00) signal to
tear down a call, The
selected signal is handled
accordingly, while the
other is simply ignored.
0: release guard
1: forced release
Table 18. R2 Digital Line Signaling Parameters (Continued)
Name Description Units Range
Table 19. R2 MFC Inter-register Signaling Parameters
Name Description Units Range
The Following Parameters Can Be Modified According to Application Requirements:
dnisMaxNumDigits Maximum number of DNIS digits
aniMaxNumDigits Maximum number of ANI digits
dnisNumDigitsBeforeANI The number of DNIS digits to
collect before requesting ANI.
[1...N], where N =
interForwardToneTimeOut Period associated with the inbound
channel “T3” timer that supervises
the interval elapsing between
recognition of two consecutive
forward tones. (Ref. ITU Q.476).
Seconds Typically, set to [8-24],
but refer to network
prePulseToneDelay The interval from the end of the
last backward signal and the start
of a backward pulse signal
(Ref. ITU Q.442).
ms Set to >= 100