November 2009 384
Boston Host Service (bostsrv.msm)
Merge this module to install and register the Boston Host Service.
Files Installed The module contains the following files:
Registry Entries The bostsrv.msm module creates the following registry entry.
Set values for the following properties in your installer program to
provide the Boston Host Service module with the location of these
Name Value
btcall [BTCALLLOCATION] where BTCALLLOCATION identifies where your
installation application installs the btcall.cfg configuration file.
Note: This property holds the path and file name of the btcall.cfg
configuration file.
firmware_path [FIRMWARELOCATION] where FIRMWARELOCATION identifies where
your installation application installs the folder containing the
firmware files.
Environment Variables None
Shortcuts None
Services The module installs the following service:
Depends on the following modules:
1. Dynamically linked DLL (dynamic_dlls.msm)
2. Configuration and protocol files (configdata.msm)
3. Firmware (firmware.msm)
File Name Default Location
1 bostsrv.exe System Folder (Windows\System32)
2 bostsrv.dll System Folder
Display Name Service Name Default Start Mode
Boston Host Service bostservice Demand start