Enabling the R2 Protocol
November 2009 345
pulseToneDuration Duration of a backward pulse
signal (Ref. ITU Q.442).
ms Typically [100 - 200]
Outbound MFC Timers
forwardToneMaxOnTime Time associated with the outbound
“T1” timer that supervises the
interval between start of a forward
tone and cessation of the forward
tone (Ref. ITU Q.476).
Seconds This is typically in the
range [12-18], but refer
to network
forwardToneMaxOffTime Time associated with the outbound
“T2” timer that supervises the
interval when no forward tones are
sent. This interval consists of the
period waiting for the backward
tone to stop, as well as any
additional time needed for the next
forward tone to be known.
Seconds Typically set to > 24
(Q.476), but refer to
network specification.
forwardGroup2MaxOnTime Not used. Seconds Not used.
Protocol Control
dnisTimeOutAction Not used. Not used.
Protocol State Transition Specification
Each of the following is an array of length 16. Element zero is invalid and elements 1-15 correspond to
R2 MF signals 1-15. These allow the Call Setup Service Pack software to construct the proper state
transition tables for a given trunk.
Forward Channel Signal Definitions
endOfDNIS Signal end of DNIS pulsing; NOT
defined in some variants.
Table 20
endOfANI_Available Signal end of ANI identification
when ANI digits are available.
Table 20
InfoNotAvailable Indicates that ANI information is
restricted. There is usually no need
to distinguish from signal
Table 20
aniCategoryDefault Default Group 1 category. Used if
category is not specified in a given
call request.
Table 20
Table 19. R2 MFC Inter-register Signaling Parameters (Continued)
Name Description Units Range