November 2009 144
When sending, the application can mix G3 and ASCII files.
-g f1 f2 -a f3 -b -g f4
When receiving, each filename in the list receives a page of G3 data,
so make sure that enough filenames appear in the list to
accommodate all pages of incoming data.
The faxml program uses the mid-level infopkt file fax sending and
receiving routines to send or receive facsimiles.
Turn on the Bfv API debug program from the command line. The
btcall.cfg file is the user configuration file. The faxml program is
found in the app.src directory.
Command Syntax
faxml[-u <unitno>][-v] -s <phoneno> <infopktfile>
faxml[-u <unitno>][-v] -r <infopktfile>
<infopktfile> Name of the file to send or receive.
-r Receive mode.
-s <phonenum> Send to the specified phone number.
-u <unitno> Unit number.
-v Turn on Bfv API debug mode.