Dukane Manual Part No. 403–566–01
II Plus and EZ Welder System – User’s Manual
Generator Errors
INPUT TEST Indicator
Steady Red
During power up, the INPUT TEST indicator
should flash red for 5–10 seconds. This indi-
cates the power-up test is running. When the
test has successfully completed, the INPUT
TEST indicator goes out. If the INPUT TEST
indicator flashes and then remains in a steady
red state, there are two possible causes.
1. The AC line level may be out of the speci-
fied operating range. Check the AC power to
determine if it is within the limits specified in
Section 15.
2. If the AC power is within specifications,
the DPC has an internal circuit fault prevent-
ing normal operation. Contact your local Du-
kane representative.
Does Not Flash
If the INPUT TEST indicator does not flash dur-
ing power up, check the AC line input. Both
the rear panel and front panel AC breaker
switches must be in the ON position, and the
DPC line cord must be properly connected to
a live AC outlet. The generator will not turn
on if the line voltage is below the rated mini-
mum. The INPUT TEST indicator should light
up even without a probe connected.
TEST Control Key
The TEST key should cause the first green bar
on the power display to light even without a
probe (see System Test in Section 11 and Fig-
ure 11–2). If the TEST control key will not trig-
ger the INPUT TEST light, check that pin 15
of the System Input is not grounded. A con-
tact closure between this pin and ground (pin
2 or 7) will lock out the front panel TEST key.