Copyright © 2003—2004 Dukane Corporation
Ultrasonics Division
2900 Dukane Drive
St. Charles, IL 60174 USA
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The information contained is this manual is distributed on an
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Printed in the United States of America.
Dukane Part Number: 403–566–01
Dukane ultrasonic equipment is manufactured under one or more of the following
U.S. Patents:
3,780,926 3,825,481 4,131,505 4,277,710 5,798,599 and 5,880,580.
DPC™ is a trademark of Dukane Corporation
EZ Welder™ is a trademark of Dukane Corporation
DPC II Plus and EZ Welder System – User’s Manual
ii Dukane Manual Part No. 403–566–01