
If any of the following problems occur, refer to the pages given for
each problem.
Problems concerning EasyMP
fEMP NS Connection cannot be used to make a connection
s p.88
fSudden changes to the EasyMP screen s p.88
fWhen a connection is made using EMP NS Connection, the
projected image remains as is, and a connection cannot be
made from another computer.
s p.88
fThe projector is not found when EMP NS Connection is
s p.89
fCannot connect in "Advanced Connection Mode" or wired
LAN connection
s p.90
fThe image and sound for movies with EMP NS Connection
are not displayed, the image is slow to appear, or either the
movie or audio stop
s p.91
fWhen a connection is made using EMP NS Connection, a
PowerPoint Slide show cannot be started
s p.91
fWhen a connection is made using EMP NS Connection, the
screen does not refresh when running an Office application.
s p.92
fCannot use a PowerPoint file with EMP SlideMaker2 s p.92
fError message when starting up EMP NS Connection
s p.92
fError message when starting up EMP SlideMaker2 s p.94
fCannot project with Quick Wireless Connection s p.95
fTrouble with the USB key for Quick Wireless Connection
s p.95
Problems concerning monitoring and control
fE-mail is not sent even if an
abnormality occurs in the
s p.96