
EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Operating Principles Print Mechanism Components 106
In order to maintain the print precision, it is necessary to maintain the carriage (= head)
mounting position so that it is always a constant distance from the surface of the paper.
In this printer, the print head nozzle surfaces and platen surface are variable
mechanisms so that the gap between the paper printing surface and the head nozzle
surface can be kept constant.
The carriage has a 2-body construction with a sub-carriage on which the print heads are
mounted attached to the carriage which forms the base. The sub-carriage moves in the
vertical direction with respect to the paper surface. This movable system uses a cam.
The sub-carriage to paper surface distance changes linearly from the cam (= PG) home
position. When the carriage is in the HP position (= right end), the pump motor and the
gear mounted on the cam shaft engage, the motor's rotation (reverse) drives the cam
and the sub-carriage is positioned at the proper gap position.
In order to maintain the distance between the print head nozzle surface and the paper
properly, the thicknesses of the paper used are classified into 3 levels for PG setting,
namely, PG small (1.3 mm), PG medium (2.2 mm) and PG large (2.7 mm).
The sensors used in the platen gap adjustment unit are explained below.
Figure 2-4. Carriage Mechanical Unit and PG Adjustment Unit
Dye ink
VSD1-Dye 13.8-27.6-41.5 8.64 KHz
H360 x V360
H720 x V360
240 CPS
VSD2-Dye 5.4-9.5-23.0 8.64 KHz
H720 x V720
H1440 x V720
240 CPS
VSD4-Dye 2.5 2 shots at 6.84 KHz H2880 x V1440 190 CPS
Table 2-3. Printing Modes (Drive Waveforms)
Ink Type
Ink Discharged
Drive Frequency Print Resolution CR Speed
Slide Gear
(head mounted)
CR Guide Rail
PG (Head SLID)
Right Side of Carriage
Pump motor driving
force (CCW)
Right Side of Printer Mechanism
HP Detection Flag