EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Product Description Operating Panel 45 Panel Setup Value Initialization
Selecting this mode allows the user to return all the values set on the panel to the
default values.
Initializing items are following; Nozzle Check Pattern Printing
Selecting this mode allows the user to print the firmware version, the waste ink
counter, and the nozzle check pattern.
Order of colors from left
Black1, Cyan, Magenta, LightCyan, LightMagenta, Yellow - Black2
Each parameter indicates the following;
<Z>: N for Stylus Pro 7600, W for Stylus Pro9600
<xxxx>: firmware version
<I>: D for dye, P for pigment
<yyy>: Maintenance tank available quantity
<aaaaaaa>: total ink counter just before print the last nozzle check
pattern (7 figures)
<bbbbbbb>: total ink counter just before print the nozzle check pattern
(7 figures)
<ccccccc>: value of <aaaaaaa>-<bbbbbbb> (7 figures)
<ddddd.d>: total paper counter just before print the last nozzle check
pattern (5.1 figures)
<eeeee.e>: total paper counter just before print the nozzle check pattern
(5.1 figures)
value of <ddddd.d>-<eeeee.e> (5.1 figures)
Figure 1-11. Nozzle Check Pattern Printing
Table 1-33.
Setting item After initialization
Page line ON
I/F switching AUTO
Code page switching PC437
Roll paper margin setting T/B 15mm
Paper width detection ON
Paper skew detection ON
Job timeout setting 30 sec
No margin print 1 cut
Cutter position adjustment (Manufacture setting)
Ink end warning message ON
Versi n : B<Z><xxxx> <I>
Maintenance Tank : <yyy>%
Current Ink C unt : <aaaaaaa>g Prev.Ink C unt :<bbbbbbb>g C - P:<ccccccc>g
Current Paper C unt: <ddddd.d>cm Prev.Paper C unt:<eeeee.e>cm C - P:<fffff.f>cm