64 EpsonNet WinAssist Configuration Utility
Items Explanations
Use NetWare Select this check box when using NetWare.
When you use the printer only in the NetWare
environment, it turns on automatically.
Mode Select a mode: Print Server/Bindery or Print
Frame Type Leave the default frame type as it is.
Tree Name For the NDS mode only:
Click the Browse button and select the NDS
context so the Tree name is also selected.
Context For the NDS mode only:
Click the Browse button and select the NDS
Browse button Browse the NDS context.
Primary File Server Name For the Bindery mode only:
Select the server where the print server logs in.
Print Server Name Select or enter the print server name (up to 47
Print Server Password Enter the password to log in to the print server
(up to 20 characters). See the NetWare
documentation for more details. Usually you
do not need to set it.
Print Server Password
Enter the password again.
Polling Interval Set the polling interval between 5 to 90
seconds. See the NetWare documentation
for more details. Usually you do not need to
set it.
Print Queue
Configuration button
Configure the print queue settings. If you have
assigned the queue with PCONSOLE,
NWAdmin, or EpsonNet!2 for Windows (an
older version of the configuration utility),
reassign the print queue here.