
80 EpsonNet MacAssist Configuration Utility
Search options
Search options-AppleTalk
To search for the print servers in other zones, set the specific zones
in this option.
Select Use this method to select search zones to search for a
print server in a specific zone. Clear the check box if the print
server is in the same zone; this saves time in searching.
The zones obtained from the network environment are displayed
on the Zone list. The zones to be searched are displayed on the
Search Zone list. The maximum number of zones that can be
displayed on the Zone and Search Zone lists is 2000.
To add the zone to the Search Zone list, select the zone and then
click the Add button. To delete the zone from the Search Zone list,
select the zone and then click the Del button.
Select Refresh from the Device menu or restart EpsonNet
MacAssist for the settings to take effect.