
Epson Research and Development Page 59
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13705
Issue Date: 02/01/22 X27A-G-002-03
int seReadDisplayDword(DWORD Offset, DWORD *pDword)
Description: Reads a dword from the display buffer at the specified offset and returns the value
in pDword.
Parameters: Offset - offset from start of the display buffer to read from
pDword - pointer to a DWORD to return the value in
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems.
ERR_HAL_BAD_ARG - if the value for Addr is greater than 80 kb.
int seWriteDisplayBytes(DWORD Offset, BYTE Value, DWORD Count)
Description: This routine writes one or more bytes to the display buffer at the offset specified by
Offset. If a count greater than one is specified all bytes will have the same value.
Parameters: Offset - offset from start of the display buffer to start writing at
Value - BYTE value to write
Count - number of bytes to write
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_HAL_BAD_ARG - if the value for Addr or the value of Addr plus Count is
greater than 80 kb.
There are slight functionality differences between the S1D1370x and the S1D1350x
int seWriteDisplayWords(DWORD Offset, WORD Value, DWORD Count)
Description: Writes one or more WORDS to the display buffer at the offset specified by Addr. If
a count greater than one is specified all WORDS will have the same value.
Parameters: Offset - offset from start of the display buffer
Value - WORD value to write
Count - number of words to write
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_HAL_BAD_ARG - if the value for Addr or if Addr plus Count is greater than
80 kb.
There are slight functionality differences between the S1D1370x and the S1D1350x