Page 72 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 Programming Notes and Examples
X27A-G-002-03 Issue Date: 02/01/22
SET_REG(0x11, 0x00);
** Register 12h - Screen 1 Vertical Size LSB
** Register 13h - Screen 1 Vertical Size MSB
** - Set to maximum (i.e. 0x3FF). This register is used
** for split screen operation. Normally it is set to
** maximum value.
SET_REG(0x12, 0xFF);
SET_REG(0x13, 0x03);
** Look-Up Table registers
** The LUT is programmed at the end of the initialization sequence.
** Register 18h - GPIO Configuration - set to 0
** - '0' configures the GPIO pins for input (power on default)
SET_REG(0x18, 0x00);
** Register 19h - GPIO Status - set to 0
** - This step has no real purpose. It sets the GPIO
** pins low should GPIO be set as outputs.
SET_REG(0x19, 0x00);
** Register 1Ah - Scratch Pad - set to 0
** - Use this register to store whatever state data your
** system may require.
SET_REG(0x1A, 0x00);
** Register 1Bh - Portrait Mode - set to 0 - disable portrait mode
SET_REG(0x1B, 0x00);
** Register 1Ch - Line Byte Count - set to 0 - used only by portrait mode.
SET_REG(0x0C, 0x00);
** Look-Up Table
** In this example we only set the first sixteen LUT entries.
** In typical use all 256 entries would be setup.
** Register 15h - Look-Up Table Address
** - Set to 0 to start RGB sequencing at the first LUT entry.
SET_REG(0x15, 0x00);