
Page 62 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 Programming Notes and Examples
X27A-G-002-03 Issue Date: 02/01/22
int seDrawRect(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD Color,
BOOL SolidFill)
Description: This routine draws and optionally fills a rectangular area of display buffer. The
upper right corner is defined by x1,y1 and the lower right corner is defined by x2,y2.
The color, defined by Color, applies both to the border and to the optional fill.
Parameters: x1, y1 - top left corner of the rectangle (in pixels)
x2, y2 - bottom right corner of the rectangle (in pixels)
Color - The color to draw the rectangle outline and fill with
- Color is an index into the Look-Up Table.
SolidFill - Flag whether to fill the rectangle or simply draw the border.
- Set to 0 for no fill, set to non-0 to fill the inside of the rectangle
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems.
9.4.7 LUT Manipulation
These functions deal with altering the color values in the Look-Up Table.
int seSetLut(BYTE *pLut, int Count)
Description: This routine writes one or more LUT entries. The writes always start with Look-Up
Table index 0 and continue for 'Count' entries.
A Look-Up Table entry consists of three bytes, one each for Red, Green, and Blue.
The color information is stored in the four most significant bits of each byte.
Parameters: pLut - pointer to an array of BYTE lut[16][3]
lut[x][0] == RED component
lut[x][1] == GREEN component
lut[x][2] == BLUE component
Count - the number of LUT entries to write.
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
int seGetLut(BYTE *pLUT, int Count)
Description: This routine reads one or more LUT entries and puts the result in the byte array
pointed to by pLUT.
A Look-Up Table entry consists of three bytes, one each for Red, Green, and Blue.
The color information is stored in the four most significant bits of each byte.
Parameters: pLUT - pointer to an array of BYTE lut[16][3]
- pLUT must point to enough memory to hold 'Count' x 3 bytes of data.
Count - the number of LUT elements to read.
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems