
Page 6 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 13705VIRT Display Utility
X27A-B-004-02 Issue Date: 01/02/12
Program Messages
ERROR: Did not find a 13705 device.
The HAL was unable to read the revision code register on the S1D13705. Ensure that the S1D13705
hardware is installed and that the hardware platform has been configured correctly. Also check that
the display memory address has been configured correctly.
ERROR: Unable to locate/load S1D13XXX.VXD
13705PLAY was unable to load a required driver. The file S1D13XXX.VXD should be located in
x:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM or in x:\WINNT\SYSTEM. If the file is not there, install it as described in
the S1D13XXX 32-Bit Windows Device Driver Installation Guide, document number X00A-E-003-
ERROR: An IOCTL error occurred
This message indicates an error at the IO control layer occurred. The usual cause for this is an
incorrect hardware configuration.
ERROR: The HAL returned an unknown error
This message should never be displayed, it indicates that 13705VIRT is unable to determine the
cause of an error returned from the HAL.
Unable to use virtual mode at xx BPP
This message is displayed if there is insufficient display memory to show a complete virtual image.
Specifically, the maximum number of lines for the image is calculated using the current virtual
width. If the number of possible lines is less than the physical display size this message is displayed.
Try restarting the program and manually specify a smaller virtual width.