
Page 70 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 Programming Notes and Examples
X27A-G-002-03 Issue Date: 02/01/22
DWORD dwLinearAddress;
rc = IntelGetLinAddressW32(0xF00000, &dwLinearAddress);
if (rc != 0)
printf("Error getting linear address");
p13705 = (PBYTE)dwLinearAddress;
pRegs = p13705 + 0x1FFE0;
** Check the revision code. Exit if we don't find an S1D13705.
if (0x24 != *pRegs)
printf("Didn't find an S1D13705");
** Initialize the chip - after initialization the display will be
** setup for landscape use.
** Normally a loop would be used to write the register array near
** the top of this file to the registers.
** For purposes of documenting the sample code, each register write
** is performed individually.
** Register 01h: Mode Register 0 - Color, 8-bit format 2
SET_REG(0x01, 0x20);
** Register 02h: Mode Register 1 - 8BPP
SET_REG(0x02, 0xC0);
** Register 03h: Mode Register 2 - Normal power mode
SET_REG(0x03, 0x03);
** Register 04h: Horizontal Panel Size - 320 pixels - (320/8)-1 = 39 = 27h
SET_REG(0x04, 0x27);
** Register 05h: Vertical Panel Size LSB - 240 pixels
** Register 06h: Vertical Panel Size MSB - (240 - 1) = 239 = EFh
SET_REG(0x05, 0xEF);
SET_REG(0x06, 0x00);