LIST PLAY function
The LIST PLAY function allows to link multiple audio files recorded by the same condition
(e.g. TR MODE, Fs, AUDIO FILE) and reproduce the files continuously while maintaining TC
continuity. There are two LIST PLAY modes; One is the “LTC_Link” and the other the “SongLink”
available on DV40.
In the “LTC_Link” mode, based on the recorded LTC Start Time in each file, multiple files are linked and
reproduced continuously. This mode should be used when the LTC address has to be matched in conjunc-
tion with other equipment such as a video camera.
The “SongLink” mode links audio files in the file number ascending order (e.g. file No.1 -> file No.2 -> file
No.3 ...). LTC Start Time will be set according to the one recorded in the first link file (default setting: 01h
00m 00s 00f) and the LTC will be jammed regardless of recorded LTC Start Time in the following linked
files. This mode is convenient when reproducing multiple audio files continuously.
30 sec
30 sec
File No.
LTC Start Time
30 sec
30 sec
30 sec
When executing the LIST PLAY function in the “LTC_Link” and “SongLink” mode, the linked files and the
order are indicated in the drawing below.
01h00m00s00f 01h00m30s00f 01h01m00s00f 01h01m30s00f 01h02m00s00f
File No. 001 File No. 002
<<Silent Area>>
<<Silent Area>> <<Silent Area>>
01h00m00s00f 01h00m30s00f 01h01m00s00f 01h01m30s00f 01h02m00s00f
File No. 001 File No. 002 File No. 003 File No. 006 <<Silent Area>>
File No. 004
<<Silent Area>>
File No. 004
File No. 006
In the LTC_Link mode, there is a gap of LTC address (01h00m30s00f ~ 01h01m00s00f) between the File No.
001 and 002. Although LTC is continuously output in this section, <<Silent Area>> is displayed.
There is an overlapping LTC address between the File No. 002 and 003. Since a smaller File No. has a
priority, File No. 002 is reproduced and File No. 003 will not be reproduced. Thus, <<Silent Area>> is
displayed from 01h01m30s00f ~ 01h02m30s00f.
<<Silent Area>> is also displayed in the deleted File No. 005 LTC section (01h02m30s00f ~ 01h03m00s00f).
In the SongLink mode, DV40 just simply links the File No. 001 ~ 004 and 006 regardless of LTC START
address setting on the File No. 002 ~ 004 and 006. Then, it reproduces each file continuously.
In both Link modes, DV40 keeps on playing and outputting LTC even after reproducing the last link file is
completed. In this section, <<Silent Area>> is displayed.
Refer to the following explanation to turn on the LIST PLAY mode.
Presume that the following six files (including deleted File No.5) recorded by the same condition (Fs,
resolution, etc.) exist on the DVD-RAM disk.
The message “
<<Silent Area>>
” indicating no audio to be reproduced exists will be displayed on the DV40
FL display when in the following condition.
• If there is an overlapping LTC address between the files in the LTC_Link mode,
<<Silent Area>>
displayed while reproducing the overlapped latter file.
• There are hidden files (deleted files) in the LTC_Link mode.
• When the last linked file finishes reproducing.
In order to link multiple audio files recorded on DV40, each SW setting, audio file format (BWF or SDII),
sampling frequency, resolution (quantization bits) and track mode (mono, stereo or multi) must be the
same in all the files to be kinked.